What Does God Sees In Me?
When God looks upon my life, what kind of a person does He see? Does He see a reflection of His image or does He just see me? Does He see the person He wanted me to be? Does He see me as the product of His hand or just another Christian working/living hard to please Him? Does He see me as His own child, a child that He set free? Does He see a child living his life to honor Him or a child trying to gain honor for himself?
What about the people I meet everyday along the way? Do I show them Jesus, to brighten up their lives? When someone looks into my eyes do they truly see that calm and gentle peace of God that dwells inside of me? When I reach out and shake a hand, is He right there in my grip? Can they feel that strength from God, that steadies when I slip? When people are in my presence, do they know His Spirit's there? Can they see that He's the one, who guides me everywhere? When other people think of me, what is on their mind? Do they think of Jesus Christ working in and through me? I try to be like Jesus every single day. Spreading His love and kindness as best as I can. But I'm afraid that I have failed; I could not pass the test. Deep inside my heart I know, I haven't done my best. I have had to fight my flesh, since the day that I was born. It's always causing trouble, and being such a thorn. That's why His Spirit dwells in me; He's helping me to learn in every situation where I need to turn. He knew I'd never pass the test that's why He took my place on the cross. He gave His life to save my soul. He suffered my disgrace and gave me a new life.
Now I try to be like Him and present Him well so other people will want/hunger for His gift, and turn their face towards Him. Other people should see the joy on my face, which Christ has given me. They should want to have it too, especially since it's free. My life should set an example for them to ask me, what is it they must do. Then I get to tell them, this wondrous gift is free. It only takes a humble heart, a sincere prayer on bended knee.
Someday when I'm face to face with the Lord who set me free, will He see His own reflection, or will He just see me? I believe He will see me as His own precious child saved from eternal condemnation by His GRACE.
Galatians 4:6-7 “Because you are sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, "Abba, Father." So you are no longer a slave, but a son; and since you are a son, God has made you also an heir.”
1. Outreach #1, 26 Feb – 9 March 2007. This outreach was a requirement for my training. My team went and helped out in Wawi village and Akha Youth Development Center (North Thailand).
The first week, 26 Feb.-1 March, we constructed a meetinghouse and a toilet for the farmers in Wawi village. For the meetinghouse our team put up the thatch roof and collected sands and stones from the river to make the concrete floor. For the toilet we dig a hole and put up the tin roof. The people in this village look like the Nagas (my own people) so I felt like I was helping my own people in a Naga village.
Our team also conducted worship services at night in the village. We shared the word of God. Some of us shared our testimonies. We also shared the goodness and faithfulness of God through songs. We manage to do home visitation.
2. The second week, 2 – 9 March, our team went and helped the Akha Youth Development Center by leveling soil, constructing road and putting up fence around the new building. On the last night of our outreach we had a blessed time of fellowship with the children living in this center.
I have learned a lot of good things from this two weeks outreach. The most enjoyable part of the outreach was praying together with my team mates, seeking the Lord together, caring one another, having fun together, sharing His love together, and helping the needy people together in unity.
From this trip I’ve learned that I should not focus my mind on the things around me but on the things that God wants me to learn from Him (Colossians 3).
1. Thank you for your prayer support. 2. Thank God for His unfailing love. 3. Thank God for His protection during the two weeks ministry. 4. Thank God for providing my needs through different people. 5. Thank God for healing me from sickness. 6. Thank God for He has been working in and through my life.
Prayer request
1. From 17-29 April 2007 we will be heading towards the mountain (North Thailand) again for our second outreach. Pray that my teammates and me will be a blessing to the villagers.
2. Continue to pray that I’ll be able to finish my training/requirements in good health.
3. Pray for my family members at home. Especially my mother who is now 75 years old.
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